Advice from real
L'Arche assistants!

Explore the following videos to learn more about living L'Arche.

Screenshot of an assistant speaking to the camera


Vivre L'Arche

Les moments qui t’ont marqué

Des conseils pour les nouveaux

Comment L'Arche t'as transforme?

La relation aves les personnes accueillies


Live L'Arche

Why did you join?

What's it really like?

Any advice for newbies?

What's it like to accompany someone?

How has L'Arche impacted your life?

What are the challenges?

What are some profound moments?

Behind the scenes of our video!

Find Your Location

There are many L’Arche communities throughout Canada and the United States. Explore the various locations below, discover somewhere new and express your interest today.

Note for Canadian applicants: L’Arche Canada accepts applications through one national portal. You will be contacted regarding available location options after applying.

Note for US applicants: L’Arche USA accepts applications at the local level. You will be able to express your interest in joining individual locations. If there are no open positions available, a representative will assist you.

Interested in L'Arche outside of the United States and Canada?

Have a question?
Want to know more?

Find us online or reach out. We are happy to help!

L’Arche Canada

3958, rue Dandurand
Montréal Quebec CANADA
H1X 1P7

L’Arche USA

2475 SE Ladd Ave.
Suite 430
Portland, OR 97214